

Project date: 2023

Type: student competition 120 Hours

Tutor: Egor Orlov

Authors: Margarita Bulgakova, Alice Rozenkova, Yana Senyagina

Institute: Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Stability is a constant cycle. Every story begins with birth, where we appear, grow, age, and eventually die. But what if we were to say that the beginning is also the end? That when we reach the final, we reach the start. The main idea of our project is to create a sustainable transformation that operates within a closed system. Each metafactory lives its own life, eventually dying off. However, we propose to make this process reversible. The path of the building begins high above the ground and gradually descends over the course of its life, freeing up space for new functional blocks. At some point, it reaches the ground, marking its death. After that, we disassemble the metafactory and reassemble it, thus beginning a new cycle of its life. Each block is like an empty cell, with its content depending on the intended function. To organize the space inside the building, we offer universal interior elements in the form of trusses that can be assembled in various ways, allowing for the creation of furniture or partitions. At the center of each metafactory is a staircase tower that can be used to access any floor. Our project consists of three buildings because three is a magic number, and it is also the minimum number of buildings required for the implementation of the exchange of functional blocks.