2015 - present | Member of The Union of Russian Architects | Russia
2023 | Eurasian Prize | Russia | Audience Choice Award. Student category
2023 | Eurasian Prize | Russia | Shortlisted. Student category
2023 | Moon station. Young architects competition | Italia | Finalist mention
2020 | All-Russian Letter A Award competition for mass media, journalists and bloggers writing about architecture | Russia | Diploma of the 2nd degree
2019 | XXII Milan Triennial on the topic ‘Broken nature’ | Italy | Diploma of the participant of the Moscow River Time exhibition
2019 | ProMoArchDes. Projects of young architects and designers | Russia, Moscow | Diploma of the laureate
2015 | Archiprix International | Spain | Certificate of participation nominated for an “Hunter Douglas Award”
2015 | eVolo Skyscraper Competition | USA | The third place
2015 | Archiprix Russia | Russia | Finalist
2015 | The 5th ISARCH Award | Spain | Finalist
2015 | International Architecture Awards | The second place in “Urban Design Category”
2015 | Eurasian Prize | Russia | Gold diploma in “Architecture nomination”
2015 | 24 Hours Competition 5th Edition | Portugal | The first place
2014 | 23th World Festival and Competition of Graduate Qualification Works on Architecture and Design | Russia | Diploma of the first degree of “The Interregional Public Organization Promoting Architectural Education” (MOOSAO) and Diploma of the “Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences”
2014 | International Architectural Competition Lazar Khidekel Award | Azerbaijan | Diploma for a winning in the category “Innovative Architectural Approaches: Visionary of the 21 Century”
2014 | Krob - the 40th annual Ken Roberts memorial delineation competition | USA | Finalist
2014 | RTF Sustainability Awards | Honorable Mentions in “Urban Design Concept Category”
2014 | XXII Annual International Festival of Architecture and Design “Zodchestvo”. Exhibition competition “Creativity of architectural universities and colleges students” | Russia | Silver sign
2013 | ArchiGraphicArts Competition of architectural drawings | Russia | Diploma of the finalist
2013 | Open competition for the best scientific student work on architecture, construction and public utilities | Russia, Novosibirsk | Diploma of the International Association of Higher Education Institutions
2013 | Republican contest of scientific works of students and postgraduates for the M.I.Lobachevsky Prize | Russia, Kazan | Diploma of the 3rd degree
2011 | Architectural design Olympic Games - Space horizons of architecture | Russia | Diploma of the first degree
2010 | Review competition of student's projects at the Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering | Russia | Diploma of the first degree
2010 | The best student of the Institute of Architecture and Design 2009/10 academic year | Russia, Kazan | Diploma for scientific and creative achievements
2010 | 62th Republican Scientific Conference | Russia, Kazan | Certificate of Honor of the 1st place
2009 | Review competition of academic year projects at Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering | Russia | Diploma of the third degree
Public activity
2024 | Certificate. A member of the jury in the 10th world's largest student competition INSPIRELI AWARDS 2024 | Italy
2024 | Letter of thanks. For great personal contribution to the implementation of the All-Russian educational project ‘‘My River’’, the formation of stable links between the educational process and real urban planning tasks and mentoring in the creation of design solutions for the effective use of the potential of coastal areas | Russia. Moscow
2024 | Letter of thanks. For participation and assistance in holding the festival ‘‘Young specialist - architect of the future’’ | Russia. Moscow
2024 | Letter of thanks. For the preparation of the laureates of the V All-Russian competition Archvertor | Russia. Moscow
2024 | Letter of thanks. For pedagogical professionalism in developing the creative potential of students, organizing their active participation in competitive activities and achieving high results | Russia. Moscow
2023 | Gratitude for active participation in the implementation of the second All-Russian architectural student competition "No period of time. Minute of silence" | Russia. Moscow
2023 | Gratitude for participation in the Creative Youth Laboratory [Text] cheers within the framework of the project "Decoding architecture. What A.V. Shchusev came up with" with the support of the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives | Russia. Moscow
2023 | Lecture ‘‘Cosmos of the future’’ | Russia. Moscow
2023 | The certificate of the head ‘‘Archvector 2023’’ | Russia. Moscow
2023 | Gratitude for for the preparation of the participants of the competition. Open competition of creative projects on design and history of fine art "Another view" | Russia. Moscow
2023 | Thanks for active and successful participation. Exhibition of architectural competition "ArchiGraphika. A look through" | Russia. Moscow
2023 | Thanks for the help in holding the RUDN Open Day | Russia. Moscow
2022 | Certificate. To the head of the competition work in the VII All-Russian competition "Drivers of modern city development" | Russia. Moscow
2021 | Diploma. Curator of ‘‘Moscow competition of art exhibition projects’’ | Russia. Moscow
2021 | Gratitude for the preparation of the participants of the exhibition of the festival of children's artistic creativity "Design for kids" | Russia. Moscow
2021 | Gratitude for the preparation of the laureates of the II All-Russian competition ‘‘Archvector’’ | Russia. Moscow
2021 | Diploma for the preparation of prize-winners of all-Russian competition of research and creative works "My city through the eyes of contemporaries" | Russia. Moscow
2021 | Diploma for contribution to the development of children's architectural and artistic creativity. International Festival of Architectural and Artistic Creativity "Tatlin" of pupils and schoolchildren | Russia. Moscow
2021 | Certificate. Speaker of the round table "Issues of interaction between general and additional education" | Russia. Moscow
2021 | Gratitude for the high professionalism in the preparation of the participants of the III International Competition of Artistic Creativity "Look into the Future" | Russia. Moscow
2021 | Gratitude for conducting a master class "Superconstructor of superworlds" within the city pedagogical workshop "Through cooperation to creativity", high professionalism, creative openness and cooperation | Russia. Moscow
2021 | Speaker in the lecture hall of the architectural magazine ‘‘Project Baltia’’: Diogenes' dispute ‘‘Heroes of Architecture of the future’’ | Russia. Saint-Petersburg
2019 | Lecturer on ‘‘April Theses’’ in MARCH | Russia. Moscow
2018 | Contestant for the curatorship of the International Festival ‘‘Zodchestvo’’ | Russia. Moscow
2018 | Lecturer on “The 1st International Investment Forum of Architecture and Design — Seek Into Your Mind” | Russia. Kazan
2018 | Expert of “Laboratory of the Future Culture” by “National Centre for Contemporary Arts” | Russia. Moscow — St. Petersburg
2017 | Thanks for outstanding contribution to the scientific, education and discussion programmes of the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students | Russia. Sochi
2017 | Speaker at the ‘‘Tavrida’’ | Russia. Crimea
2016 | Discussion ‘‘Digital media and urban space: how the imagination of a citizen is formed‘‘ | Russia. Moscow
2016 | Author of the central graphic panel “Landscape of the New Industries” presenting the Russian pavilion on the “BI-city Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture“ (UABB-2015 Re-living the Cities) | China. Shenzhen
2016 | Author of the central graphic panel “Landscape of the New Industries” of the “Annual International Festival of Architecture and Design Zodchestvo 2015” | Russia. Moscow
2016 | Tutor on the “International Summer School of Architecture & Engineering” (ISSAEK) | Russia. Kazan
2016 | Participant of a panel discussion “Architectural Readings the 22 Century” within the “XXI International Exhibition of Architecture and Design ARCH Moscow” | Russia. Moscow
2015 | Lecturer on “International Forum for High-rise and Special Constructions” | Russia. Yekaterinburg
2015 | Lecture ‘‘Chimera cities. Phantasmagoric architecture of the future’’ at the “House of Union of Moscow Architects” | Russia. Moscow
2014 | Author's project “Cybertopia. Future of an Architecture Space. Death of Analogous Cities” was a central element of the exhibition “The Future Method” on “Annual International Festival of Architecture and Design Zodchestvo 2014” | Russia. Moscow
2014 | Author's exhibition of graphic illustrations of the future cities in the “ARTPLAY Design Center” | Russia. Moscow
2013 | Letter of gratitude of I city sculpture-installation festival ‘‘Bereg’’ | Russia, Kazan